
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun

do you remember that?
kalo e?

acid factory - I like this game!


jean baudrillard - the violence of the image

Now the question, the crucial question is :is there still a chance, a real chance for the image to escape this double violence, the one it exerts and the one it endures, in order to find the original power of the image again - the Evil Genius of the Image? Images that resist the violence of information and communi-cation, to recover, beyond all signification and aesthetic diversion, the pure event of the image?

Resist the noise, the perpetual rumour of the world, through the silence of the image. Resist movement, flow and acceleration through the stillness of the image. Resist the moral imperative of meaning through the silence of signification. Above all, resist this automatic overflow of images and their perpetual succession. Recover the "po-ignant" detail of the object, the "punctum", but also the moment of acting, of taking the picture, immediately passed, and always nostalgic. Opposite to the flow of images produced in "real time", indifferent to this other dimension of the becoming-image of the object : the time itself. The visual flux of actuality does not know anything but change, it does not know the concept of becoming, which is radically different from change : in this flux the image does not even have time to become image (as in the sphere of information thought has hardly the chance to becoming-thought).

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